Coping Tools


  • Taking a walk
  • Going outside
  • Breathing exersizes
  • Jouraling
  • Talk to someone


  • Blogging
  • Draw in sketchbook
  • Doodle
  • Draw in MS Paint
  • Draw in Kid Pix
  • Add to junk joural
  • Do world building
  • Work on characters
  • Writing poetry
  • Work on a project
  • Work on website
  • Program
  • Work on a game

In Case of a Panic Attack

  • Lie down
  • Lie with weighted blanket
  • Get colder

If Angry

  • Rage cleaning
  • Calm cleaning

Food & Drink

  • Hot cider
  • Hot cocoa


More Comfort Media

  • Comforting music
  • Play Celeste again
  • Play Stardew Valley
  • Play Sun Haven
  • Play Portal/Portal 2 again
  • Play a new game
  • Browse
  • Browse Neocities
  • Read Comics
  • Watch comfort shows


  • Cuddle with Pets
  • Play with pets
  • Cuddle with stuffies
  • Try a new hobby
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Write a letter you won't send
  • Reread nice comments